Saturday, April 29, 2017

Do YOU know the Way...?

If you have ever tried to get from POINT A to POINT B without a map (or GPS), you know it can be a long road... full of wrong turns, potholes and frustration. No one ever gets into a car without having directions in one form or another.

However, in business (and sometimes in life), we often head down a path without knowing the best, most direct way (or sometimes even where we really want to go). So here’s the “well, duh” advice:

  1. Know (about) where you want to end up (see “reverse imagineering” article from last month). You may adjust mid-course but at least you’re mid-way there!
  2. Get the right tools*: Advice from someone who has already been: read, learn, ask... why reinvent the wheel?
  3. Get going! If you don’t take a step, you won’t make any progress. Procrastination will leave you in that rut!

*GOOD NEWS: The right tools and support are as available as the internet which puts all those resources at your keyboarding fingertips! Visit for some good business resources.

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