Saturday, April 29, 2017

Do YOU know the Way...?

If you have ever tried to get from POINT A to POINT B without a map (or GPS), you know it can be a long road... full of wrong turns, potholes and frustration. No one ever gets into a car without having directions in one form or another.

However, in business (and sometimes in life), we often head down a path without knowing the best, most direct way (or sometimes even where we really want to go). So here’s the “well, duh” advice:

  1. Know (about) where you want to end up (see “reverse imagineering” article from last month). You may adjust mid-course but at least you’re mid-way there!
  2. Get the right tools*: Advice from someone who has already been: read, learn, ask... why reinvent the wheel?
  3. Get going! If you don’t take a step, you won’t make any progress. Procrastination will leave you in that rut!

*GOOD NEWS: The right tools and support are as available as the internet which puts all those resources at your keyboarding fingertips! Visit for some good business resources.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Resourcefulness is ALL you need...

You may have heard it said "Seek and ye shall find" or "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear". Both very true because EVERYTHING you need to achieve your goals is out there. But all the resources in the world mean nothing, unless you have this quality: RESOURCEFULNESS!

One definition is "the ability and initiative to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties or challenges". So if we already know the resources we need to overcome obstacles exist, the only thing standing in our way to solve the problem is the initiative to seek them out and engage.

I've watched a few seasons of the TV show "Survivor". One of the things that has astonished me is the ability and initiative of some players to find a hidden immunity idol on a friggin' island without a clue where to look or what it looks like. Now that is initiative, my friends!

So there is no excuse (or benefit) for any "woe is me" self-pity. The resources are out there... We just need the initiative to start looking! Helpful hint: be sure to "reverse engineer" what you want to accomplish per last week's article ( Next week, we look at scavenger hunts and teamwork..