Friday, January 1, 2016

The Art Starts Here

Have you heard of that phrase? (Not likely, as I just made it up). It means that the source of beauty and creativity begins with each of us. Even if you don’t consider yourself an artistic person, you can support and enjoy the creativity of others and appreciate their contributions.

One place the “art starts” is at the Sacramento Fine Arts Center where the prestigious American Watercolor Society will exhibit 40 pieces selected from nearly 1200 submissions from around the world. This exhibit is touring museums and galleries across the country and will be in Carmichael for 7 weeks so we hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to see world-class art in your own backyard!

And stay tuned for more notices of where the “art starts”. Art expresses and nurtures our humanity, ergo we ought to have more of it around!


  1. Looking forward to journey with the Art Starts here...create dangerously.

  2. Me too! One of my favorite words is "imagineering"... we need to do MORE right-brain/left-brain collaborations!
