Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The ARTS have a new home in Rancho!

A Rancho Cordova historic building gets a new lease on life this month as the Mills Art and Culture Center (The MACC) swings open its doors on Feb. 28, 2018.

After a year of renovation and planning, Sacramento artist Danny Scheible will feature “TAPIGAMI”, an exhibit and hands-on workshops, during an imaginative show featuring artistic exploration of an everyday item: masking tape.

The Grand Opening and ribbon cutting for the building will be at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Feb. 28, with reception and gallery open until 8 p.m. Visit The MACC and TAPIGAMI again from noon-6 p.m. on March 3-4 and March 10-11. Admission is free of charge.

The transformation of Rancho Cordova’s historic Mills Station Building is the result of cooperation and vision by the City of Rancho Cordova, Sacramento County Sacramento Regional Transit and citizen volunteers. Numerous artistic and cultural events are planned for 2018, produced by the Cordova Community Council Foundation. The MACC activities are made possible in part by funding from the City of Rancho Cordova Community Enhancement Fund.

For more information visit

Hope to see you there and at future events!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

All We Need is a (Hometown) Hero!

We are surrounded by heroes: first responders, good Samaritans, people who take the time to donate their time, money, and other support to worthy causes or even someone they just met. I am heartened to remember this because the news always seems to focus on the “bad” in the world...

Once a year, Rancho Cordova takes the time to thank their hometown heroes. On Friday, March 9, come join us for a unique and fun celebration of this year’s honorees. It is an inspiring event and you don’t have to be from Rancho Cordova to appreciate and enjoy the hurrahs!

And perhaps it will inspire you to donate some (more) time, energy or funds to a cause that you wish to support. OR to THANK someone that you know of who does... I’m sure it would make their day!
“Changing the entire world is a daunting task, but changing one person’s world is realistic and possible every day.” ~ Author unknown 

Monday, January 1, 2018

Storyboard your 2018

No... it’s not a new snow sport but a way to achieve your goals in the coming year!

You may have heard of Dreamboarding*.. A dreamboard (or vision board) is a visual tool that serves as a visual representation and reminder of your dreams and your ideal life. (A picture’s worth 1000 words!) In addition, some people believe that a dreamboard activates the Law of Attraction* and Reticular Activation*. Many successful people practice this. This is your WHY.

Storyboarding* is breaking the coming year into segments; much like how movie-makers visualize scenes in a movie. What does the end of the first quarter of 2018 look like: what have you done, who do you know. what have you learned, where are you living/working, how do you spend your time? This is the HOW to get to the results you want.

You can create a collage (like the one on the right) to represent the things you want in your life. You can post this on your wall or, what I did, was take a picture of this and use this as my screen saver on my computer... As they say, “out of sight is out of mind” and by keeping your dreams in front of you every day, you will be reminded, every day, of your commitment to the HOW and your WHY!

I’ve mentioned in past articles that one of my favorite words is IMAGINEER (coined by Walt Disney). Dream/Storyboarding is an implementation of this process: IMAGINE what you want and then ENGINEER its manifestation.

Another strategy is to share your dreamboard with others... Accountability is a great way to help you stay on track... Now, time to get your BOARD ON!