Sometimes to create your "dream life" or "dream business" can seem a daunting task. Especially if you don't know where or how to start and don't know what you'll need to get there. Then sometimes it's better to start with imagineering what it looks like and then start recognizing the pieces that show up that will fit the puzzle. Let's call that "reverse imagineering"...
I heard that when a sculptor starts with a big block of stone to carve an eagle, he just starts removing anything that is NOT the eagle.
Life can be like that as well... If you have option A or option B, eliminate the option that is more obliviously NOT what you need. Then decide on option B or wait for another option to show up. Sometimes it is easier to recognize what is NOT right rather than what is...
More tips on this next month...
Willy Wonka touts the benefits of a world made from "pure imagination". Let's have at it, shall we?